Address/2765 Coney Island Ave, Brooklyn, NY 11235
Hours/Mon-Fri: 10AM-6PM
Telephone/+1 (833)372-6678

Get Back What
You’re Owed

Get Your Money Back From Corporations

We are on your side

When firms do not maintain their promises, we help you seek justice - as well as compensation - through the alternative dispute resolution method.
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is the consumer rights service leveling the playing field between everyday people and big companies.


What We Do ?

No More Call To Customer Care

After failing to find a resolution through customer service, many customers feel that there are no options to fight back. That is not the case. While a class action lawsuit against a large company may not be allowed per its terms and conditions, many consumer claims can be resolved through consumer arbitration.

What Is Consumer Arbitration

Consumer arbitration is an efficient and effective process for resolving disputes against corporations. If you have an issue with a company, it is likely that the dispute is governed by a consumer arbitration agreement. We are experts in this process and can stand ready to assist our clients find a resolution.

How We Help?

After submitting an inquiry, Consumer Interest First will promptly contact you to evaluate your case. If you have a claim, we will file an arbitration claim on your behalf and work with the company and its attorneys in the hopes of reaching a prompt resolution either through settlement or through arbitration. Rest assured, we are here to help!

Case Result

We have successfully settled claims against major corporations.

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0123456789001234567890                     +Years in operation

What We Charge

We charge a contingency fee. We only get paid after your claim was settled or if we prevail in arbitration.

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How Do We Start:

Tell Us What Went Wrong

We review your consumer complaint then create and send an official legal demand to the company.

We Help You Through Legal Steps

Our experienced team brings big companies to the table.

Your Case Get Settled or Gets to Formal Hearing

It is important to have expertise in the most common processes when you are disputing with big corporations.

We took the stress away.

We'll help you take on the big guys: Banks, Gyms, Phone and Cable Companies, Internet Service Providers, and more.

Consumer Interest First

2765 Coney Island Ave, Brooklyn, NY 11235

Consumer Interest First
Consumer Compliances
Connect with us
+1 (833)372-6678

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